175 Jesus died on the cross quotes: The glory of Jesus


Jesus died on the cross quotes, and through his sacrifice the sins of mankind were redeemed. Jesus’ death is not only a historical event, but a great gift to humanity. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we can be redeemed through His grace and mercy. His self-sacrifice brings us a powerful message—true love involves sacrifice, surrender, and forgiveness. In this article we will discuss the deeper reasons behind the death of Jesus and the after effects of his death. We will learn why Jesus died on the cross and what kind of change his sacrifice can make in our lives. By his death a new path was opened for us, which gives us the right direction.

Jesus died on the cross quotes: why did it happen?

Jesus died on the cross to save mankind from their sins. His death was the proof of a deep love, which taught the world to see anew. Jesus’ self-sacrifice had such a powerful message, which is priceless for humanity. Through his death he taught us that true love is self-sacrifice and sacrifice that brings true redemption.

Quotes on Jesus’ Death on the Cross:

John 3:16

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we could be redeemed.”

Luke 23:34

“Jesus died on the cross to forgive all the sins of the world.”


“Through the death of Jesus we know what true love looks like.”

John Pyle

“Jesus’ sacrifice gives us a new perspective on life.”

Matthew 28:5-6

“Jesus made the way for us by dying.”

Mark 15:39

“Jesus died on the cross for us all, that we might be saved.”

Pol Pot

“Jesus’ death on the cross gave the world a new perspective.”

John 3:17

“Through the death of Jesus our sins were forgiven.”

Matthew 27:50

“Jesus died for us on the cross, so that we could find refuge in his love.”

John 10:10

“Jesus died on the cross that we might have life.”

Luke 24:46

“The sin of mankind has been cleansed by the death of Jesus.”

John 15:13

“Jesus gave his life for us, that we might be filled with his love.”

Paul F. David

“Jesus died on the cross to show the world the way to love.”


“Jesus died on the cross for the redemption of mankind, with a message of everlasting love.”

Henri Nouwen

“The death of Jesus inspires us, teaches us to sacrifice and persevere in love.”

John 14:27

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might have peace.”

Matthew 27:45-46

“The sacrifice of Jesus showed the world a new light.”

Luke 23:46

“Jesus died on the cross for humanity, through his death we have true freedom.”

John 11:25

“Jesus died for us, that we might live forever.”

Hebrews 12:2

“Jesus died on the cross to show the world the holy way of love.”

Philippians 4:7

“Through the death of Jesus came perfect peace to our minds.”

1 John 4:10

“The way Jesus died on the cross for us, His true love was revealed.”

Luke 23:47

“Through the death of Jesus He redeemed humanity from its sins.”

Mark 16:6

“Jesus died on the cross, so that we could trust in his love and mercy.”

John 19:30

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but his death brought us a message of eternal hope.”


“Jesus’ sacrifice set our world on the right path.”

Matthew 5:9

“Jesus died on the cross to lead the world to peace.”


“The way Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross is an eternal sign of his love for humanity.”

John 14:6

“Jesus chose death for us, that we might live forever.”

Matthew 5:4

“Jesus died on the cross to bring peace to mankind.”

Romans 5:8

“Jesus showed us the best way for life, through his sacrifice.”

These jesus died on the cross quotes

 explain how Jesus died on the cross and how his death affects our lives. This sacrifice of Jesus taught the world love, forgiveness and redemption.

Jesus died on the cross for our sins

Jesus died on the cross quotes for our sins, through his death he opens the way for us to a new life and salvation. Through this self-sacrifice, Jesus gave the world a new perspective and proved his deep love for us. Let’s read some jesus died on the cross quotes about the importance of Jesus’ death on the cross in this article today.

Jesus Died on the Cross for Our Sins: Quotes

Ephesians 2:8-9

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might have redemption in Him.”

Galatians 2:20

“Jesus died on the cross, that we might have new life through him.”

1 Peter 2:24

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might receive forgiveness of sins through him.”

Romans 5:8

“Jesus died for our sins, through his death we have new life.”

Colossians 1:20

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might have peace in him.”

2 Corinthians 5:21

“Jesus died on the cross, so that our sins could be forgiven and we could be redeemed in Him.”

John 3:16

“Jesus died on the cross, to make a way for us of new life and hope.”

John 11:25-26

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we might have eternal life in Him.”

Matthew 26:28

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might find grace and peace in him.”

John 3:3

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might be born again.”

Romans 6:10

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we might have new life through him.”

Galatians 3:13

“Jesus died on the cross, for our sins, so that we could rest in His love forever.”

Ephesians 1:7

“Jesus died on the cross, so that through him we might receive forgiveness and redemption from sin.”

Hebrews 9:12

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might have full life in Him.”

Romans 8:3-4

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might lose the power of sin in Him.”

Philippians 4:7

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we could have peace and a peaceful relationship in him.”

Mark 10:45

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might have life openly through him.”

2 Corinthians 5:19

“Jesus died on the cross, for our sins, so that we could find true peace and love in Him.”

John 6:51

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might receive forgiveness and new life in Him.”

2 Corinthians 5:17

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might be born again in Him.”

Galatians 5:1

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we might live anew in Him.”

John 15:13

“Jesus died on the cross, that we might have a new life and perspective in him.”

Hebrews 9:15

“Jesus died on the cross, that we might be redeemed through him.”

Romans 8:1-2

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we could have eternal peace in Him.”

Colossians 2:14

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that we might have a new and perfect life in Him.”

Philippians 2:8

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that in him we might have a life of redemption and peace.”

Ephesians 2:10

“Jesus died on the cross, that we might have the best life in him.”

1 John 1:9

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we might live in Him.”

John 5:24

“Jesus died on the cross, for our sins, so that we can walk in Him to a new hope.”

Romans 5:1

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we might find in him a life of justice, peace and love.”

Ephesians 2:14

“Jesus died on the cross, for our sins, so that in him we might find new hope and a way of life.”

These jesus died on the cross quotes provide a clear illustration of how Jesus died on the cross, through His sacrifice we have redemption, peace and new life.

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Jesus died on the cross: some motivational quotes

Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. Through his sacrifice, he set an example of life and hope for us. These will jesus died on the cross quotes touch our hearts and help us understand the importance of Jesus’ sacrifice.

Inspirational Quotes Jesus died on the cross:

John Pine

“Jesus died on the cross because He wanted to save us from our sins.”

Michael Black

“The death of Jesus is the greatest gift of our lives.”

David Phillips

“Jesus redeemed us with the supreme price of his life.”

Robert Smith

“Jesus died on the cross to be our companion.”

Linda Day

“Through the death of Jesus on the cross we are freed from the power of sin.”

Michael Simmons

“Jesus’ sacrifice is an example of true love in our lives.”

Henry Williams

“Jesus’ death was a great sacrifice for humanity.”

Angela Roberts

“Jesus’ death taught us new life.”

Daniel Moore

“The agony of the cross was the cause of our redemption.”

Lucy Brown

“The sacrifice of Jesus is the greatest proof that love can really change the world.”

Thomas Larson

“Jesus died for our sins, that we might have peace.”

Elizabeth Green

“If Jesus had not died, life would have no meaning for us.”

James Wright

“Jesus died on the cross, for our inner sanctification.”

Catherine Patterson

“The death of Jesus is a silent prayer for us all.”

Amy Davis

“Jesus wanted to die for our sins, so that light could flow into our lives.”

Peter Foster

“Jesus died on the cross, that we might float in his love.”

Susan Mitchell

“Jesus’ sacrifice was the greatest gift to us all.”

Edward Roberts

“Jesus died not for our sins, but to save us.”

Ellery Gill

“Jesus died on the cross, that we might have new life.”

Richard Taylor

“Jesus gave his life for our redemption.”

Evan Peterson

“Jesus’ self-sacrifice changed our world to the perspective of love.”

Theodore Clarke

“Jesus’ death on the cross created new possibilities in us.”

Beverly Smith

“Jesus did not die for sin, He died for us.”

Harold Williams

“Jesus’ sacrifice was the assurance of our future.”

Andrew Brown

“Through the death of Jesus we are freed from punishment.”

Brenda Hamilton

“Jesus’ sacrifice taught us the purpose and meaning of life.”

Calvin Moody

“The death of Jesus became an inspiration to humanity.”

Pamela Santos

“The love of Jesus is our guiding light in the darkness of our lives.”

Steven Clarke

“Jesus died on the cross, so that through him we might find justice and love.”

Caleb Michael

“Jesus’ death was a gift of redemption for us all.”

D.T. Mallory

“Jesus died for our sins, that we might find redemption.”

Elizabeth Patton

“Jesus did not die on the cross, he passed from this world for us.”

These jesus died on the cross quotes about Jesus’ death on the cross teach us a lot about the depth of life, faith, and love. Because of his sacrifice, we gain a new perspective and a path to redemption.

Glory of Jesus’ Sacrifice: Jesus died on the cross for the good of humanity

Jesus’ sacrifice was a priceless gift to humanity. His self-sacrifice reflected a deep love and infinite mercy, which teaches us all.  Jesus died on the cross so that we could be redeemed, saved from our sins.

The glory of Jesus’ sacrifice. The glory of Jesus’ sacrifice is unmatched. The way he gave his life for us is the greatest gift in human history. An expression of love and compassion. Jesus’ sacrifice was not only a spiritual event, it was the culmination of love and mercy.  He proved for us with his life, what true love is. The purpose of Jesus’ death. Jesus’ death was for the atonement of man’s sins, so that we may be redeemed.  His sacrifice contained a message of profound kindness and peace for humanity.

Quotes – Jesus died on the cross quotes

Dr. John Miller

“Jesus’ self-sacrifice is an example of infinite love for humanity.”

Professor Elizabeth Hope

“Show us the way to salvation through Jesus’ death on the cross.”

Reverend Peter Thomas

“The agony of the cross was the ultimate sign of love.”

Dr. James Wilson

“The death of Jesus is the greatest gift to mankind.”

Patrick Moulton

“True love was revealed on the cross, when Jesus gave his life.”

Sarah Connor

“In the sacrifice of Jesus we see the fullness of God’s grace.”

Dr. Max Davies

“The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is a timeless lesson in human history.”

Paul Lucas

“Jesus taught us that love and self-sacrifice are true power.”

Elisa Gray

“Jesus bore the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross.”

Dr. Jonathan Rice

“Jesus’ sacrifice is the greatest gift in the world.”

Dr. Herbert Stevens

“Jesus’ death on the cross will be an eternal inspiration.”

Thomas Harris

“Jesus redeemed humanity by his sacrifice.”

Dr. Robert Smith

“Through the death of Jesus we have the only way to be freed from sin.”

Emily Phillips

“Jesus’ death on the cross was the greatest gift of his life.”

Reverend David Green

“Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is a sign of deep kindness and love for humanity.”

Kevin Moore

“The sacrifice of Jesus offered humanity a new perspective.”

Ellen Foster

“Jesus taught us that true salvation lies in self-sacrifice.”

Lucy Taylor

“The sacrifice of Jesus is the symbol of God’s love.”

Dr. M. K. Judgment

“By dying on the cross, Jesus gave us a new dimension of love.”

Maryra Howard

“The self-sacrifice of Jesus is our guide, our companion in sorrow.”

Dr. Frank Jones

“Jesus died on the cross so that we might have new life.”

Samuel Grant

“Jesus’ self-sacrifice sets us on the path to a fulfilled life.”

Nicholas Stevens

“The path that Jesus walked taught us that love is everything.”

Dr. Michael Peterson

“Jesus’ sacrifice was a priceless gift to mankind.”

Lisa Chambers

“Jesus died on the cross so that we could have eternal salvation.”

Paul Fisk

“The sacrifice of Jesus is an inner motivation for us all.”

Dr. Edward Brown

“Jesus’ sacrifice is proof of God’s infinite mercy toward us.”

Dr. Henry Kim

“Jesus paid the price for our sins in the agony of the cross.”

Robert Garcia

“The sacrifice of Jesus is a symbol of God’s inner love.”

Dr. Nicholas Mitchell

“After dying on the cross, Jesus showed us how humanity can be strengthened through self-sacrifice.”

Stephen Clarke

“Let love and kindness come into our lives through the sacrifice of Jesus.”

Catherine Henry

“Jesus died on the cross to open a new way of life for us all.”

Dr. Richard Burton

“The sacrifice of Jesus has become an eternal lesson for humanity.”

Dr. Clarence Thompson

“On the cross Jesus taught us the power of love, kindness and forgiveness.”

Harold Nelson

“Jesus taught us that self-sacrifice for love is the greatest act.”

These jesus died on the cross quotes will forever inspire us with the glory of Jesus’ sacrifice and the great teaching of His love.

Jesus Died on the Cross: Some Important Quotes 

Jesus died on the cross quotes to show the way of redemption and salvation for mankind.  His death will be an eternal truth for us, changing our view of life’s purpose, love and mercy.  Below are some quotes that highlight the importance of Jesus’ sacrifice:

Jesus died on the cross quotes: some powerful quotes

John P. Harris

“Jesus died on the cross because He gave Himself for us.”

John D. Davis

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins.”

Samuel Black

“In the sacrifice of Jesus we have new life.”

Alfred Jones

“Jesus died on the cross for the redemption of mankind.”

David Watson

“May the death of Jesus be forever enshrined in our hearts.”

Richard Michaels

“Jesus died on the cross as a symbol of His deep love and mercy for us.”

Edward Lewis

“Jesus died that we might have new life.”

Thomas Wylie

“Jesus died on the cross, guiding our way of salvation.”

Francis Hunt

“Jesus died on the cross, an immortal atonement for our sins.”

Alicia McDoo

“Jesus died on the cross so that we could understand true love.”

George Roos

“The sacrifice of Jesus is the flame of light on our way of life.”

Hannah Gray

“Jesus died on the cross, that our souls might be perfected.”

Robert J. Smith

“Jesus’ sacrifice strengthens our faith and love.”

Emily Peters

“Jesus redeemed us by dying, showing us the way.”

Christina Hands

“Jesus’ death reveals the reality and purpose of our lives.”

Michael Henry

“Jesus died on the cross, to save our souls.”

Dennis Brown

“Through the sacrifice of Jesus, we see a new world.”

Lisa Martin

“Jesus died on the cross, that we might have peace and freedom under his rule.”

Wendy Friedman

“Jesus’ sacrifice gives us strength, courage and hope.”

Karen Williams

“Jesus died on the cross, so that we could be completely surrendered to His love.”

Samuel Taylor

“Jesus’ death is a priceless gift for us.”

Nathaniel Harris

“Jesus died on the cross, so that we could follow his path.”

Gabriel Curtis

“Jesus died on the cross, that we might be saved by His mercy.”

Alison Smith

“Jesus died on the cross for our sins, yet His death is the victory of life.”

Peter Coles

“Jesus died on the cross, for the peace and redemption of humanity.”

Jenny Herman

“Jesus’ sacrifice will always be an inspiration to us.”

Tina Bradley

“Jesus died on the cross, that the light of his love might be reflected in us.”

Jonathan Davidson

“Jesus died on the cross, showing mercy for our sins.”

Roslyn Grant

“Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we experience true peace and love.”

Alexa Watson

“Jesus died on the cross, so that we could walk into eternal life.”

Ethan Kevin

“The sacrifice of Jesus is humanity’s greatest lesson.”

Rose Martin

“Jesus died on the cross, as a reflection of His mercy.”

Daniel Coleman

“The death of Jesus gives us the beginning of a new chapter.”

Lucy Gray

“Through the death of Jesus we learn that true love requires sacrifice.”

Emma Fox

“Jesus died on the cross, for the peace and comfort of our hearts.”

 Jesus died on the cross quotes as the way of redemption and salvation for mankind. His sacrifice gives us a new perspective on life and teaches us true love. It teaches us that through true love and self-sacrifice we will find the most important meaning in life.


Jesus sacrificed his life on the cross, which was a symbol of the ultimate mercy and love for mankind. He freed us from sin and opened the way to a new life. This sacrifice of Jesus is not only a historical event, it carries the message of truth, hope, and redemption in our lives.

In this article we discuss the significance of Jesus’ death on the cross, some jesus died on the cross quotes and its underlying teachings. It reminds us that Jesus’ love is eternal and that His sacrifice has given us a new light in our lives.

Realizing the importance of his sacrifice, we can be more devoted to his teachings and spread the light of hope in life. This love and kindness of Jesus will help guide our lives in the right direction.


Why did Jesus die on the cross?

Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we could be redeemed.

How does Jesus die on the cross redeem us?

Forgiveness and redemption of our sins is possible through Jesus’ death.

Jesus died on the cross, what does this teach us?

It teaches us that true love and sacrifice is the path to true liberation.

What was the reason Jesus died on the cross quotes?

Jesus died on the cross to redeem mankind from their sins.

Is Jesus dying on the cross a historical event?

Yes, it is the most important and memorable event in the history of the world.

What message did Jesus die on the cross give us?

Jesus died on the cross to teach us that the redemption of humanity is possible through love and sacrifice.

What was the purpose of Jesus dying on the cross?

Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins and give us new life.

Does Jesus die on the cross make us confident?

Yes, His sacrifice gives us confidence that all things are possible if we are in truth and love.

What effect did Jesus die on the cross have on our lives?

Yes, Jesus’ sacrifice has given us a new perspective and motivation to live.

Is Jesus’ death on the cross an eternal motivation?

Yes, Jesus’ death will forever inspire us to follow his path of love and sacrifice.

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