Crowned by the grace of God: jesus is the bridge bible verse


The jesus is the bridge bible verse is an important message. It refers to man’s relationship with God. Jesus is a bridge for us.  He is the link between God and us. This message is simple and clear. Jesus frees us from our sins. He leads us on the right path. The Bible says over and over again, Jesus is the truth and the way. The jesus is the bridge bible verse for everyone from children to adults. It can be explained in simple terms. We face many problems in life. Jesus solves that problem. It is because of Him that our relationship with God is strengthened. The jesus is the bridge bible verse is an important lesson for our life. This jesus is the bridge bible verse can be read by everyone. It is easy to understand even for kids. Jesus is the light of our lives. He guides us to the right path.

Jesus is our guide: jesus is the bridge bible verse

The jesus is the bridge bible verse gives an important message in our life. It means that Jesus is the bridge for us. He established the relationship between God and man. This message is easy for the little ones too. Jesus frees us from our sins. He teaches peace and love. The Bible says, Jesus is the truth, the way and the life.

John 14:6

“Jesus is our way and truth.”

John 8:12

“Jesus is the light of our lives.”

Philippians 4:7

“Jesus gives us peace in our hearts.”

John 14:6

“Jesus is the bridge for us.”

Matthew 1:21

“Jesus frees us from our sins.”

Matthew 11:28

“Jesus comforts our souls.”

Matthew 17:20

“Jesus strengthens our faith.”

John 15:13

“Jesus brings truth and love into our lives.”

John 14:27

“Jesus establishes peace and happiness in our hearts.”

John 3:16

“Jesus gives us new life.”

Matthew 6:33

“Jesus defines the goal and purpose of our lives.”

John 15:13

“Jesus died for us.”

Hebrews 4:15

“Jesus helps us to bear all our troubles.”

2 Corinthians 5:7

“Jesus gives us courage to believe.”

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

“Jesus helps us in our times of sorrow.”

John 8:12

“Jesus is the light of hope in our lives.”

Romans 5:5

“Jesus establishes faith and love in our hearts.”

Romans 6:23

Jesus shows us the way of salvation from sin.”

Hebrews 12:2

“Jesus gives us faith and trust in our lives.”

John 14:6

“Jesus is our bridge to God.”

Joshua 1:9

“Jesus brings peace and wisdom into our lives.”

Ephesians 1:18

“Jesus guides us with the vision of faith.”

2 Corinthians 5:17

“Jesus changes our lives.”

Romans 10:13

“Jesus helps us, when we call upon him.”

1 John 1:9

“Jesus cleanses our minds and hearts.”

1 Timothy 2:5

“Jesus helps us to have a relationship with God.”

Colossians 3:15

“Jesus brings peace and harmony to our hearts.”

John 1:9

“Jesus frees us from our sins.”

1 Peter 1:18-19

“Jesus cleanses our souls.”

John 10:10

“Jesus fills our lives.”

2 Corinthians 1:4

“Jesus frees us from all our sorrows.”

This jesus is the bridge bible verse is for everyone. It shows the direction of light in our life. The jesus is the bridge bible verse increases our trust in God. It brings positive change in our life. Jesus is a blessing to us.  He guides us in the right path. This message is easy to convey in short sentences. It is through Jesus that we understand God’s love.  He is the light of our life.

Message of Jesus: jesus is the bridge bible verse

Jesus guides us. He set us free. This message is clear in the jesus is the bridge bible verse. It is simple and understandable for everyone. Jesus showed God’s love. He lightens our burden of sin. This message teaches peace and love. The Bible says, Jesus is our life. He leads us to the path of truth. The jesus is the bridge bible verse teaches us this fact. This message should be a daily part of our lives. It is also easy for the little ones. This message of Jesus can change our lives. Jesus is the bridge of our life. Through Him we can draw near to God. The jesus is the bridge bible verse helps to explain this.

John 14:6

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

Matthew 11:28-30

“Jesus sent the message of peace and salvation to the world through him.”

John 14:27

“I am with you, giving you peace.”

1 Timothy 2:4

“This is the will of God, that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.”

Ephesians 2:18

“Through him we come unto God.”

Psalm 18:2

“Lord, you are my strength, you are my protection, because of your mercy I live.”

Matthew 11:28

“Come unto the Lord, and he will give you peace.”

1 John 4:8

“God is love, Jesus is love, that love is the key ingredient in our lives.”

Philippians 4:7

“If you believe, you will find the peace that the world does not give.”

Hebrews 9:22

“Jesus died for us, bearing the penalty for our sins.”

1 John 1:7

“Through the blood of Jesus we can become one with God.”

Romans 5:8

“Jesus died for us, that we might have new life.”

1 Corinthians 15:20

“As Jesus lives, he is with us in all our troubles.”

Matthew 28:6

“By the power of God Jesus rose from the dead.”

John 11:25-26

“The resurrection of Jesus is the strength of our faith.”

John Pepper

“Jesus is the way, the life, and the only bridge.”

C.S. Lewis

“Jesus is our bridge, the way to life and salvation.”

Dr. Billy Graham

“His sacrifice is the true proof of God’s love for us.”

Tim Keller

“Jesus redeemed us from sin, He is our guide.”

Rick Warren

“Jesus is the only bridge to God.”

Michael Engel

“Jesus showed us His infinite love.”

Philip Yancey

“God’s love reaches us through Jesus.”

Todd Stern

“Jesus is the way of life and peace.”

Patrick Morris

“Believing we can be reunited with God.”

Peter Drake

“Jesus gave us life, we take it.”

David Platt

“Through Jesus we find our purpose.”

Nicky James

“The life of Jesus is the power to walk our way.”

Dr. Lucas Ford

“Jesus is our way to salvation, our bridge.”

John Stott

“Jesus died for sinners, to save us.”

Alistair McGrath

“Jesus is the only way to have a relationship with God.”

Samuel Davis

“Jesus is not only our savior, he is our friend.”

James Patton

“Jesus died for all our sins, but He lives.”

Robert Peasley

“Jesus lights our way of life.”

Jennifer Davis

“Jesus gave us a vision of loving the world.”

Dr. Matthew Dicks

“Jesus’ sacrifice changed our lives.”

Katherine Dwight

“Jesus is the guide of truth and love.”

Brian Lewis

“Jesus lead the people to the path of peace.”

Harry Baer

“Jesus is God’s presence on earth.”

Francis Chan

“Only the love of Jesus can change the world in us.”

Paul Washer

“Jesus came to find us the truth.”

Thomas Moore

“Jesus gave us freedom, he freed us from the sins of the world.”

John L. Morris

“Jesus is our bridge, to realize the purpose of life.”

Kate Lee

“Jesus guide us, make peace among us.”

Joel Osteen

“God’s love came to earth through Jesus.”

William Lane

“Jesus is the bridge of our lives, our ally and guide.”

Dr. Richard Dane

“Through Jesus we realize God’s love.”

Melanie Griffin

“Jesus saves us from our sins, He is the light of our life.”

These jesus is the bridge bible verse will help us think more deeply about Jesus’ sweet message. 

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Jesus is the bridge Bible verse

The jesus is the bridge bible verse tells us that Jesus connects us with God. He takes away our sins. He guides us to a new life.

Jesus is our bridge. He created a relationship of love between God and man. The Bible says, Jesus is the truth, the way and the life.

The jesus is the bridge bible verse reminds us that through Jesus we can be redeemed.  He gives us peace. He shows the direction of light in our life. This jesus is the bridge bible verse is easy to understand for the little ones.  Jesus brings love and mercy into our lives.  He removes all obstacles in our life. It is because of him that we can experience God’s love. The jesus is the bridge bible verse is important part of our life.

John 14:6

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

Romans 5:1

“God sent Jesus for us, that through him we might have peace and salvation.”

Colossians 1:20

“Through his blood we have peace with God.”

John 14:7

“If you knew me, you would know my Father.”

Ephesians 2:18

“Through Jesus we can be one with the Father.”

Colossians 1:20

“God brings peace and friendship through his Son.”

Romans 5:8

“Jesus died for our sins, that we might be saved.”

1 John 1:7

“Through the blood of Jesus we have forgiveness of sins.”

Ephesians 5:2

“His sacrifice is our salvation.”

1 Peter 1:3

“Jesus has made a way for us to live.”

2 Corinthians 5:17

“Through Jesus our lives are made new again.”

1 Corinthians 15:20

“The resurrection of Jesus is the power of our spiritual life.”

John 8:12

“I am the light of the world, the believer in Jesus does not walk in darkness.”

Hebrews 12:2

“Jesus shows us the way of faith, and tells us to walk in his way.”

John 15:13

“Jesus revealed his love for us.”

John Pepper

“Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.”

Dr. Billy Graham

“Jesus died for our sins, He is our guide.”

C.S. Lewis

“Jesus is the bridge of our lives.”

Tim Keller

“Jesus’ sacrifice is the way to save us.”

Rick Warren

“Jesus gave his life for us, that we might live.”

Robert Peasley

“Jesus is the only bridge to God.”

Philip Yancey

“Jesus showed us the way to union with God.”

Todd Stern

“Jesus is the light of our lives.”

David Platt

“Jesus has redeemed us all.”

Nicky James

“Jesus taught us love and forgiveness.”

Peter Drake

“Jesus died for our sins, but He lives.”

David Lawrence

“Jesus is the strength and way of our life.”

Samuel Davis

“Jesus shows us the way, gives us hope.”

Paul Washer

“Jesus is our Lord, who gives us new life.”

Thomas Moore

“The blood of Jesus redeems us from our sins.”

Francis Chan

“Jesus demonstrated perfect faith in our love.”

Brian Lewis

“Jesus rebuilt our lives.”

Robert Brown

“Jesus guides us, makes peace among us.”

Samuel Watson

“Jesus is the truth and the way of life.”

Kate Lee

“God has become our companion through Jesus.”

Michael Engel

“Jesus is our bridge, who reconciles us to God.”

Rick Warren

“Jesus is the guide of peace to our souls.”

Dr. Lucas Ford

“Jesus brought peace and salvation to mankind.”

Melanie Griffin

“Jesus made our lives new.”

Jennifer Davis

“Jesus is the bridge of truth, which restores our relationship with God.”

Todd Stern

“The way of salvation has been opened for humanity in the love of Jesus.”

Patrick Morris

“Jesus is the only way of life, which leads us to God.”

John L. Morris

“Jesus is the way of salvation from our sins.”

David Platt

“Jesus is our bridge, who brings sinners back to God.”

Alistair McGrath

“Jesus is a message of care and peace for mankind.”

Joshua Dwight

“Jesus’ sacrifice marks the redemption of our humanity.”

John Stott

“Jesus is our strength, our way and our love.”

Patricia Rollins

“Jesus brought us from darkness to light.”

These jesus is the bridge bible verse will help us to understand more deeply the greatness of Jesus being the bridge and how he has helped us to become one with God through his love.

Deliverance through Jesus: jesus is the bridge bible verse

The jesus is the bridge bible verse tells about our salvation. Jesus takes away the burden of all our sins. He gives us a new life. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. His words show us the right path of life. He frees us from sin.

John Pepper

“Jesus is the way of salvation, who frees us from our sins.”

Tim Keller

“Jesus is the only way to reach God.”

Dr. Billy Graham

“Jesus is the bridge of our salvation, who unites us to God.”

C.S. Lewis

“Jesus redeemed us from sin by His blood.”

Rick Warren

“Jesus is the beginning of peace and salvation in our lives.”

Robert Peasley

“Jesus is the only bridge to God.”

Philip Yancey

“Jesus died for our sins, that we might be redeemed.”

Todd Stern

“Jesus made our lives new, he set us free.”

Thomas Moore

“Through Jesus the light of redemption has flowed into our lives.”

David Platt

“Jesus died for us, that we might have life.”

Nicky James

“The blood of Jesus redeems us from our sins and restores our relationship with God.”

Robert Brown

“Jesus gives us peace, frees us from sin.”

Michael Engel

“Jesus died for us, that we might have new life.”

John Stott

“Jesus died for our sins, and in his blood we are redeemed.”

Samuel Davis

“Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, who restores our relationship with God.”

Jennifer Davis

“Jesus is the only bridge of salvation through which we can reach God.”

Brian Lewis

“Jesus brought us peace and redemption instead of punishment.”

Paul Washer

“Jesus is the truth and the way of our life, he has redeemed us from our sins.”

David Lawrence

“Jesus is the only way of life, which leads us to God.”

Rick Warren

“Jesus is the way of our salvation and the inspiration of our new life.”

Todd Stern

“Jesus is our only way back to God.”

David Chapman

“Jesus brought us a message of care and peace.”

Robert Morley

“The sacrifice of Jesus frees us from sin and brings us into relationship with God.”

Samuel Watson

“Jesus guides us, redeems us.”

Peter Drake

“Through Jesus comes our freedom from sin and peace.”

Francis Chan

“Jesus made our lives new, we are redeemed through him.”

Robert Brown

“Jesus is the truth, the life, and the way, and through him comes redemption from our sins.”

Thomas Smith

“Jesus is our bridge from sin, who leads us to God.”

John L. Morris

“Jesus died for our sins, that we may be redeemed.”

Alistair McGrath

“Jesus has built a bridge for us to deliverance from sin.”

Joshua Dwight

“Jesus is the only way for us to be resurrected and redeemed.”

Robert Max

“Jesus is the only way to save us from our sins.”

Philip John

“Jesus is the power of our life, the way of our salvation.”

Melanie Griffin

“Jesus has redeemed us through faith.”

The jesus is the bridge bible verse teaches us that through Jesus we can go to God. He gives us peace. He solves all our problems. Jesus is our bridge. It is because of him that we understand God’s love. Through Him we find hope and grace.This message is very simple. Everyone from young to old can read and understand it. The jesus is the bridge bible verse enlightening message of our life.


The jesus is the bridge bible verse is an important message in our life. It teaches us, Jesus is our bridge. He established the relationship between God and man. This quotation from the Bible tells us that Jesus frees us from our sins and gives us peace and love. Through Him we can have a relationship with God. This message is for everyone. It guides our life. The jesus is the bridge bible verse lights the light of hope in our hearts.


What is the meaning of Jesus is the bridge Bible verse?

Jesus is the bridge between God and man to save us from our sins. As this Bible quotation tells us, Jesus changes our lives.

Jesus is the bridge Bible verse where is said?

In John 14:6 of the Bible, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. These words illuminate our lives as guides.

Why is Jesus our bridge?

Jesus frees us from our sins and helps us reach God. He is our intercessor.

What is the importance of jesus is the bridge bible verse?

It helps us change our lives. It tells us that apart from Jesus we cannot reach God.

How is jesus is the bridge bible verse useful for children?

Children can easily understand this message.  It tells them that Jesus has come to us and established a relationship with God.

Why should we follow jesus is the bridge bible verse?

Jesus frees us from sin and brings peace into our lives. If we follow Him we will find true peace.

Can we reach God through Jesus?

Yes, Jesus is our bridge. It is through Him that we can reach God.

How does jesus is the bridge bible verse change our life?

It creates hope, peace and love in our hearts.  It frees us from sin and leads us to God.

What do we learn by reading jesus is the bridge bible verse?

We learn, Jesus is the bridge for our sins. He illuminates our lives and establishes our relationship with God.

Does jesus is the bridge bible verse bring peace in our life?

Yes, Jesus brings peace to our hearts. He removes all our sorrows and gives us strength.

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