185 Jesus is alive: Easter Jesus risen quotes and pictures


Easter is an important festival for us, where we celebrate the joy of Jesus’ resurrection.  The quote “Jesus rose jesus risen quotes reiterates our faith and hope. In this content we will discuss these powerful Jesus revival quotes, which bring peace and strength to our hearts. Easter is the glorious time when Jesus Christ received his resurrection, which is a precious belief of Christianity. Jesus rose” jesus risen quotes symbolizes the strength of our faith and new hope. Resurrection of Jesus Christ (jesus risen bible quotes) teaches us that death is not final and God’s power brings new life into our lives. In this content, we will discuss motivational quotes about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the importance of Easter, which will strengthen our faith and enlighten our lives.

Easter Jesus Risen Quotes

Belief in the resurrection of Jesus on Easter gives new light to our lives. Here are some powerful easter jesus risen quotes:

John 14:19

“Jesus is risen again, a message of hope for us all.”

Matthew 28:6

“At Easter we remember the resurrection of Jesus, which strengthens our faith.”

Mark 16:6

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us a new beginning in life.”

Luke 24:6

“Jesus came alive, and his life gives us strength.”

Romans 6:4

“Easter inspires us to revive Jesus.”

1 Peter 1:3

“The resurrection of Jesus renews our hope and faith.”

John 11:25

“The true meaning of Easter is that death is defeated and new life begins.”

Philippians 3:10

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us a new perspective on life.”

Acts 2:32

“On Easter, we welcome the resurrection of Jesus.”

Colossians 1:18

“Jesus teaches us, even death can be defeated.”

1 Corinthians 15:20

“Through Easter we are assured of the resurrection of Jesus.”

John 20:29

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ brings love and peace to our hearts.”

Revelation 1:18

“Easter is the victory of Jesus’ life and our redemption.”

Romans 8:11

“Jesus Christ is alive, the solution to all our life’s problems.”

Ephesians 2:6

“At the moment of Easter, we are reborn with Jesus.”

Luke 24:34

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ creates new hope in our hearts.”

John 20:19

“Easter strengthens us, as Jesus gives us strength by being resurrected.”

John 10:10

“The resurrection of Jesus opens the way to our true salvation.”

Luke 24:46

“Easter is the defeat of life and the rise of renewal.”

Romans 8:34

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us a new perspective on life.”

Matthew 28:20

“Jesus is alive, His presence is felt daily among us.”

Acts 4:33

“At Easter we remember the resurrection of Jesus and experience unity with him.”

1 John 5:11

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ helps us to believe in God’s forgiveness and hope.”

Mark 16:7

“On Easter, we welcome the resurrection of Jesus, which brings light into our lives.”

2 Corinthians 5:15

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us new life in the dead.”

Galatians 5:1

“Jesus’ resurrection at Easter gives us true freedom.”

Philippians 2:9-11

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ brings endless blessings to our lives.”

Romans 6:5

“Easter is about new life, new opportunities, and new beginnings.”

Hebrews 13:20

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ inspires us to walk in the right way.”

John 14:27

“Through Easter Jesus Christ gives us his perfect peace.”

John 16:22

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ strengthens our faith, changes our outlook on life.”

1 Peter 1:21

“Easter, the day of resurrection of Jesus Christ, brings spiritual rebirth in our lives.”

These Easter Jesus Risen Quotes will add new strength to your faith and life. These jesus risen quotes remind us that the resurrection of Jesus Christ, jesus risen quotes brings light of hope in every moment of our lives.

Jesus is alive images and quotes

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest blessing to mankind. The evidence of his being alive strengthens our morale and faith.  Living images and sayings of Jesus not only touch the hearts of believers, but also bring peace, love, and inspiration to everyone’s lives.

 Jesus Risen Quotes

 Below are inspirational quotes on the living condition of Jesus Christ.  Each quote mentions the composition of a famous personality.

C.S. Lewis

“Jesus is resurrected! His love shows us the way to salvation.”

Billy Graham

“The resurrection of Jesus is the new beginning of our life.”

John Stott

“Death could not hold him; Jesus is eternal life.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“The message of Jesus’ resurrection is our source of peace of mind.”

Charles Spurgeon

“The power of revival is a symbol of victory for all believers.”

Rick Warren

“Jesus Christ lives and that life guides us to eternity.”

N.T. Wright

“The resurrection of Jesus brought hope to the world.”

Max Lucado

“The resurrection of Jesus is a symbol of grace and mercy for us.”

Tim Keller

“Revival teaches us that love never dies.”

Francis Chan

“Because Jesus is alive, we have peace and freedom in life.”

Alistair McGrath

“His resurrection is the foundation of our confidence.”

Ravi Zacharias

“The resurrection of Jesus symbolizes the hope and joy of our lives.”

John Piper

“His resurrection brings light into our lives.”

Andrew Murray

“The resurrection of Jesus is the supreme foundation of our faith.”

A.W. Tozer

“The resurrection of Jesus taught us, persevere in the faith.”

Amy Carmichael

“Through his living we learn the meaning of true love.”

F.F. Bruce

“The resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate proof of God’s promise.”

Oswald Chambers

“Resurrection gives us the courage to overcome all obstacles in life.”

Ellen G. White

“Jesus is alive, and so we find the true meaning of life.”

D.L. Moody

“The evidence of his living condition is the eternal pledge of our faith.”

Henry Blackaby

“The resurrection of Jesus is proof of God’s immense love for mankind.”

John Wesley

“His revival brings happiness and peace to our lives.”

William Barclay

“The resurrection of Jesus lights up every heart.”

Thomas Watson

“Resurrection is the greatest gift of our lives.”

George MacDonald

“The resurrection of Jesus proves that death is not the end.”

Richard Baxter

“His revival is a new beginning for mankind.”

Philip Yancey

“The resurrection of Jesus means that all things are possible in life.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

“His living presence gives strength to our souls.”

Leonard Sweet

“The resurrection of Jesus is a sign of grace for us.”

John Calvin

“Through his living we know that hope never ends.”

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not just a historical event, it is a profound sign of God’s love for mankind. His vivid pictures and quotes strengthen faith, love and peace in our hearts. The story of Jesus’ resurrection is capable of changing our daily lives.

Jesus Christ Risen Quotes

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a unique example for mankind. His resurrection inspires love, hope, and faith in our hearts.  Various religious figures and writers have given numerous inspirational quotes based on his revival.

Inspirational Jesus Christ Living Quotes

 Below are inspirational jesus risen quotes, with the source of each quote cited.

Billy Graham

“As Jesus Christ lives, so our hope lives.”

Charles Spurgeon

“Revival teaches us that death is never the end.”

Rick Warren

“Jesus alive means we can understand the true purpose of life.”

John Stott

“The resurrection of Jesus is the source of peace and happiness in our hearts.”

C.S. Lewis

“His resurrection message is God’s final promise to mankind.”

Francis Chan

“It is the resurrection of Jesus that gives us stability in our faith.”

N.T. Wright

“The resurrection of Jesus gives us a new beginning in life.”

Max Lucado

His coming to life has given hope to the world.”

Tim Keller

“Jesus Christ lives; his love endures forever.”

John Piper

“Revival has opened the way of salvation for us.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“The story of Jesus’ resurrection gives us strength.”

Alistair McGrath

“The message of revival is the ultimate blessing of human life.”

Ravi Zacharias

“Because Jesus Christ is alive, we can face all our challenges.”

Andrew Murray

“The resurrection of Jesus opens the fountain of grace in our hearts.”

A.W. Tozer

“His revival is the motivation to overcome all obstacles in our lives.”

Amy Carmichael

“The fact that Jesus is alive is a sign of love for mankind.”

Oswald Chambers

“Revival stories give peace to our souls.”

F.F. Bruce

“The resurrection of Jesus assures a bright future for our lives.”

Leonard Sweet

“His resurrection keeps our spirits alive.”

D.L. Moody

“The resurrection of Jesus is a message of light to mankind.”

Henry Blackaby

“Resurrection gives us the courage to conquer all challenges in life.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ is eternal truth.”

John Wesley

“The living condition of Jesus means that we find hope and peace.”

William Barclay

“His revival brings a depth of faith to our hearts.”

George MacDonald

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ brings a message of new hope to every moment of our lives.”

Richard Baxter

“Revival fills our lives with inspiration.”

Philip Yancey

“The resurrection of Jesus means the presence of God’s love in our lives.”

Ellen G. White

“The story of his coming to life is the ultimate triumph of humanity.”

Thomas Watson

“The resurrection of Jesus means, we are never alone.”

The story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is not only a historical event, but an eternal symbol of faith, love, and grace. These jesus risen quotes will help each of us to understand Jesus’ message of resurrection anew.

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Jesus Risen Bible Quotes

The Bible guides us in every moment of our lives. The resurrection message of Jesus Christ is the foundation and strength of our faith. This great event proves that God’s love is limitless and His power is infinite.

 Jesus Risen Bible Quotes

Below are jesus risen quotes about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, with sources for each.

Matthew 28:6

“He is not here; he is resurrected, as he said.”

John 11:25

“Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me will never die.'”

Acts 2:24

“The power of death could not hold him.”

Romans 6:9

“Christ’s resurrection is the promise of eternal life for us.”

1 Peter 1:3

“He that died for us, is risen again for our redemption.”

Ephesians 2:6

“God raised him from the dead, and he is life to us.”

1 Corinthians 15:17

“The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of our faith.”

Revelation 1:18

“Jesus said, ‘I am alive and I will live forever.’

Galatians 2:20

“Jesus rose again for us, for our eternal life.”

Romans 8:11

“The power of God raised Jesus from the dead.”

1 Thessalonians 4:14

“The resurrection of Jesus assures a bright future for our lives.”

Titus 3:5

“Jesus is alive, his resurrection is proof of our redemption.”

Colossians 1:18

“The resurrection of Jesus is a symbol of God’s infinite power.”

Hebrews 2:14

“The victory over death is the strength of our faith.”

Philippians 3:10

“The resurrection of Jesus brings peace to our lives.”

Romans 10:9

“Jesus is risen, that is the only truth of our life.”

2 Corinthians 5:15

“His coming to life gives us strength in our faith.”

John 3:16

“God has redeemed us through the resurrection.”

1 John 5:11

“The resurrection of Jesus is the light of our lives.”

John 14:19

“His resurrection is our motivation to face all the challenges of life.”

Romans 8:34

“Jesus Christ lives; his life is eternal.”

Galatians 1:1

“The resurrection of Jesus is the symbol of salvation for us.”

Acts 15:4

“God made Jesus alive through our faith.”

2 Corinthians 1:10

“His revival is the hope of our lives.”

John 6:40

“The resurrection of Jesus gives us firmness in our faith.”

Matthew 16:21

“His coming to life helps us understand the meaning of life.”

Romans 4:25

“Jesus lives, his love is eternal.”

John 20:31

“The message of revival proclaims our redemption.”

Acts 5:30

“Jesus is the beacon of hope in our lives.”

The resurrection of Jesus is not only a historical event, but a new chapter in our faith and life. These jesus risen quotes strengthen our faith and deepen our love for God.

Happy Easter Jesus is Risen Quotes

Jesus’ resurrection at Easter brings new light to our lives. Easter is not only a religious festival, it spreads among us the message of hope, faith and love. The resurrection of Jesus teaches us that after darkness comes light.  To celebrate this day, here are inspirational quotes about the resurrection of Jesus.  Each quote is accompanied by the author’s name.

Jesus Resurrection Quotes for Easter

Billy Graham

“The power of regeneration makes everything possible in our lives.”

Dallas Willard

“Easter symbolizes immortality through love.”

Max Lucado

“Jesus showed us how to conquer darkness.”

Charles Spurgeon

“The resurrection of Jesus gives us courage and faith.”

NT Wright

“Easter is the message that says, there is life after death.”

James Whitt

“Revival is not just an event, it is an eternal promise.”

Robert Shuler

“Easter gives us a chance to start anew every day.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Revival is the light that dispels all darkness in our lives.”

CS Lewis

“Easter teaches us that Jesus is always with us.”

Joyce Meyer

“The resurrection of Jesus gives fullness to the meaning of life.”

John Piper

“Revival is the best example of God’s forgiveness.”

Richard Rohr

“The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest blessing to the world.”

Tim Keller

“Easter reminds us that love never fails.”

Annie Lamott

“The resurrection of Jesus proves that nothing is impossible.”

Pope John Paul II

“The power of Easter brings peace to our hearts.”

Beth Moore

“Revival is life’s greatest victory.”

Ravi Zacharias

“Easter is the new beginning of faith.”

David Jeremiah

“The resurrection of Jesus leads us to the truth.”

Henry Nouwen

“Easter is the message of the return from darkness to light.”

Joel Osteen

“The resurrection of Jesus is a new wonder of life.”

Anne Osteen

“Easter reminds us that life is beautiful.”

John Macarthur

“The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest gift of our lives.”

Charles Stanley

“Revival is the revival of a broken heart.”

Louis Giglio

“Easter gives us the courage to live anew.”

Renee Brown

“The resurrection of Jesus redeems our souls.”

Oswald Chambers

“Through rebirth we learn the truth of love.”

George Muller

“Easter is the light of our lives.”

Tom Wright

“The resurrection of Jesus is a new beginning.”

Hilary Morgan Farrier

“Easter teaches us that love wins.”

Feel the power and blessing of Jesus’ renewal in every moment of Easter. We all receive the message of a new life through the resurrection of Jesus. These jesus risen quotes will inspire you on this auspicious day. Happy Easter: Jesus is alive!

The Resurrection of Jesus: A Message of Hope for Us

Jesus’ resurrection is not just a historical event; It brings a message of new light and hope into our lives. This incident teaches us, in the face of danger and adversity, the light of hope is never extinguished. Through the resurrection of Jesus we learn that faith and love can conquer all obstacles.

 Inspirational Quotes About Jesus’ Resurrection

Below are quotes about the resurrection of Jesus that illuminate our lives with new hope.  Each quote is a reflection of the thought of a famous writer.

CS Lewis

“The resurrection of Jesus gives us a new purpose in life.”

Billy Graham

“The power of God is revealed in regeneration.”

Max Lucado

“The resurrection of Jesus is the supreme example of love and forgiveness.”

Charles Spurgeon

“Revival shows us that no obstacle is insurmountable.”

John Piper

“The message of Easter brings us eternal joy.”

Dallas Willard

“The resurrection of Jesus rebuilds our broken hearts.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“God has given us a message of revival in our lives.”

Ravi Zacharias

“The resurrection of Jesus is the proof of our faith.”

James Whitt

“Easter is the symbol of true new beginnings.”

Richard Rohr

“The resurrection of Jesus is life’s greatest blessing.”

Pope John Paul II

“God’s plan teaches us regeneration.”

Tim Keller

“The resurrection of Jesus proves that love always wins.”

Joyce Meyer

“Revival is the manifestation of God’s promise.”

Annie Lamott

“The resurrection of Jesus turns our fear into courage.”

Beth Moore

“Revival shows us that everything in life is possible.”

Henry Nouwen

“The resurrection of Jesus teaches us to dream anew.”

Robert Shuler

“The power of Easter inspires us to live each day.”

David Jeremiah

“The revival of Jesus touches our lives deeply.”

Charles Stanley

“Revival gives us courage and motivation.”

NT Wright

“The resurrection of Jesus proves that death is not the end.”

Louis Giglio

“Revival in God’s plan is a beacon for us.”

Oswald Chambers

“The resurrection of Jesus strengthens our faith.”

Hilary Farrier

“Easter reminds us that love is the true power of life.”

George Muller

“The resurrection of Jesus gives hope to new light in our lives.”

Joel Osteen

“The message of Easter reaches deep into our hearts.”

Tom Wright

“Revival gives us new direction in life.”

Anne Osteen

“The Resurrection of Jesus is the Ultimate Reflection of Love.”

Renee Brown

“Easter is the day to restore our relationship with God.”

John Macarthur

“The resurrection of Jesus reveals the truth of our lives.”

Louis Giglio

“Easter gives us new hope and strength.”

Jesus’ message of regeneration brings new light and courage to our lives. These jesus risen quotes are not just for one day; They guide us as eternal inspiration. Happy Easter!


The resurrection of Jesus Christ (jesus risen quotes) is not only a historical event, but it brings invaluable power to our spiritual life.  Easter reminds us that Jesus Christ brings new life into our lives even after death. The revival of jesus risen bible quotes shows us strength and hope every moment, which gives us courage in the midst of all the crises and challenges of our lives. This glorious message of Easter is of immense importance to keep us firm in our faith.


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Jesus rose quotes inspire our lives and add a sense of new energy.

What can we learn about the resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter?

The resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter jesus risen bible quotes teaches us that God’s power can defeat death and create new life.

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The resurrection of jesus risen quotes helps to change every aspect of our life, renewing our spiritual life.

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Happy easter jesus is risen quotes give us new hope and courage in every difficult time of life.

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Easter reminds us that the resurrection of Jesus Christ Jesus’ risen bible quotes changes our outlook on life and strengthens our faith.

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The resurrection of jesus has risen images and quotes brings purity, forgiveness and love into our lives, which changes the pace of our spiritual life.

How can Jesus risen quotes about the resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter affect our lives?

Jesus rose quotes on Easter brings new light of hope in our life, which helps us to face crisis and adversity in our life.

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Resurrection of Jesus Christ, jesus risen bible quotes the message of Easter brings new perspective to our lives and deepens our faith.

How does the resurrection of Jesus Christ (jesus risen quotes) help us in our spiritual life?

The resurrection of Jesus Christ brings stability to our faith and adds new strength to our spiritual life.

How can Jesus Christ risen quotes help us in Easter?

Easter Jesus Risen Quotes (jesus christ risen quotes) invigorate our faith and give us new strength in our daily life.

What message does the resurrection of Jesus Christ have for us?

The revival of Jesus Christ (jesus risen bible quotes) teaches us that there can always be a new beginning in life, and we should have faith in God.

How does the resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter strengthen our faith?

Resurrection of Jesus Christ in Easter (jesus risen images with quotes) adds new strength to our faith and increases our loyalty to God.

How can Jesus risen quotes about the resurrection of Jesus Christ during Easter be a source of strength for us?

Jesus rose quotes on Easter brings strength and courage to our life, which instills strong faith in God in our daily life.

Jesus risen images with quotes help to strengthen our faith and hope.

What kind of changes does the revival of Jesus Christ (jesus risen quotes) bring in our lives?

Resurrection of Jesus Christ (jesus risen quotes) brings a new beginning of hope in our life and gives us courage and strength in every difficult moment of our life.